Friday 20 January 2023

Bombing Range

Thursday 19th January 2023. Location: RAF Wainfleet.

I came upon the place by chance, I had been to see my diabetes nurse at Stickney, and was on my way, or so I thought, to Gibraltar Point.

I went straight across the A52 at the Barley Mow. I could see a lookout tower in the distance, which reminded me of another time of being lost on the fens.

I parked up, on the tarmac, the concrete blocks and wire fence prevented me going further. I had a sip of coffee, yes today I had brought a flask.

I started walking in a northerly direction, towards my original destination, after about 500 metres I began to hear the sound of geese, also a few small flocks were flying and landing.

I took a few photographs on my iPhone and two or three short videos, unfortunately I must have had my thumb over the lens some of the time, it was jolly cold.

I returned to the car and drove on to the car park and cafe at Gibraltar Point. The afternoon helped me to produce half a dozen poems. here is my favourite:

There was a moment

Back there

Stood on the grass verge

At the bombing range

A breeze

Whispered over my cheek

Carried on

To ruffle my hair

In that instant

All of the good times

In my life

Manifested in my mind

I was alone

Yet still I feel

That I could call it

A peak experience